choosing a labor support provider, it is important to select a doula
that supports your philosophy about birth and is sensitive to your
preferences as well as those of your partner. Every woman has a
different idea of an �ideal birth� and your doula should be
supportive of your ideal.
Services Include . . .
.�we will meet with
the pregnant woman and her partner to answer questions, discuss
labor options and choices, provide educational materials, establish
our role and begin to build a supportive relationship.
Professional Labor
.�your doula will
meet you at the hospital and will provide continuous physical and
emotional support during labor, birth and recovery. She will act as
an advocate for you and will provide information to assist you in
decision-making. She will not make decisions for you. She will
assist you in beginning a satisfying breastfeeding relationship.
.�within a week or
two of your birth, your doula will meet with the new family to
welcome the baby, answer questions, clarify the birth experience,
and provide information and resources regarding parenting,
breastfeeding and postpartum recovery.
It is very
important to understand that labor support providers do not:
- Perform clinical
tasks, such as blood pressure, fetal heart checks, vaginal exams,
and others. We are there to provide only physical comfort,
emotional support, information, and advocacy.
- Make decisions for
you. We will help you get the information necessary to make an
informed decision. We will also remind you if there is a departure
from your Birth Plan.
- Speak to the staff
on behalf of you regarding matters where decisions are being made.
We will discuss your concerns with you and suggest options, but
you or your partner will speak on your behalf to the clinical